Cracks me up!

See this bear? I wrote this pattern for Crochet World back in the 90's. His head is actually supposed to be and was crocheted to be more cocked to the side actually on the blanket but during shipping they must have tried to straighten it out. I wrote a few for them.. I have seen it on It is no longer there but this person is Selling them..I wonder if I could get a kickback? LOL


Pammy Sue said…
I didn't know you wrote patterns for Crochet World! I thought you were just a novice crocheter all this time. No wonder your stuff looks so good. I just thought you were a fast learner.

That bear is so cute! How neat.
Your bear is super cute. I wonder how they can get away with selling the pattern? Interesting...
deebriese said…
I know right! I can tell you I did not make much...Anyway she is even using the bear as her header...
Dawnie said…
So wrong! I remember when you did that!

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