So Sad....

I was saddened today to find out one of my favorite bloggers has stopped blogging. Mias Landiv. It does not say why, but I sure hope its not due to being stalked or health reasons. Please visit her blog before she takes it down. You wont be sorry. Amazing. Keep looking back at all her postings. She has an archive. You will be inpressed and inspired and want to move to Norway and Quilt and raise chickens....


I was saddened by this news also. I would not have thought this beautiful blog would close either. I spent some time going back through all her pages and admired all the beauty she shared with us. I, too, hope that the reason is not an unfortunate one. Have a nice week. Twyla
Mia said…
Thank you for your kind words and for this entry. I am very much touched that you should miss my blog so. But, as you know, I am back, and happy to be! Thank you for your lovely comments in my blog, I truly treasure them, as I do the sentiment in this post.
deebriese said…
Thank you so much! I am glad you are back and all is well..Neicee

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