Fabric Therapy
This week has been an emotionally charged teenage week. If you have a teenager you know what I am talking about. They can suck the life right out of you, and as a child I was taught Fabric Therapy. When life sucks, go buy some fabric.
My mother used to take us to the fabric store in our small town, ACME. I remember as a child my sister and I would feel the fabrics and plan our own projects. While mother scanned the McCall's catalog for her selection, I believe looking back on those times it was her "Therapy" to get out of the house and do some little thing she enjoyed.
Soooooooooo........I was really cranky this week and what was my thought... JOANN'S!
When I arrived, they were having a massive 1/2 off sale. I was so glad I went alone. If you bring someone with you, you have to look at their selections and ask their opinion and wait up for them. NAAAAAAAA, this therapy must be done solo and with a blank check.
This was one of my selections. Its a denim fabric with a shimmer to it, I don't know if you can see it from the photo and yes the second fabric is a flannel and yes it has geese on it. My secret project will be posted at a later date. ANYWHO...I felt much better in the glare of fluorescent lights and mountains of fabric. When my number was called and when the friendly Joann's employee said how much, I said "I will take it all!" "The whole bolt? She said?" "Yes, I said its Therapy" (and at a dollar a yard how could I not!) Anyway I feel much better now(Thanks Mom)